Type 3 – vehicle maintenance, custodial maintenance, mail handler, BMEU, and clerical employees eligible under 932.12 and 932.13.
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Product Descriptions and Focus Pages
You may have noticed that we include prices and links to certain vendor websites in our product
descriptions and focus pages. These vendors are our sponsors. We recommend these websites and
believe that these vendors are among the best in the industry. However, we do not guarantee
anything. Prices can change at any time. We are not responsible for any problems that may occur.
It is up to you to do your homework, check the prices before ordering, and follow up with the
vendor if you have any issues.
If you find errors on our website, please let us know.
With your help we can make this website more accurate and a valuable resource for USPS employees.
Postal Service Uniforms
ELM 931.13 Types of Clothing
Note to Our Visitors
Product Descriptions and Focus Pages
You may have noticed that we include prices and links to certain vendor websites in our product descriptions and focus pages. These vendors are our sponsors. We recommend these websites and believe that these vendors are among the best in the industry. However, we do not guarantee anything. Prices can change at any time. We are not responsible for any problems that may occur. It is up to you to do your homework, check the prices before ordering, and follow up with the vendor if you have any issues.
If you find errors on our website, please let us know. With your help we can make this website more accurate and a valuable resource for USPS employees.